MWSC will be performing monthly flushing and doing tie-ins for the ongoing project during the week of September 20th-23rd. You may experience low water pressure and/or water outages during the monthly flushing throughout the entire system. Water outages will occur during the tie-ins in the Cedar Ridge area, Cedar Mountain area, Reno Rd, and Ranier Rd.
The City of Gatesville will be conducting a free chlorine burn thru mid-October. This conversion may affect the taste and smell of the water.
Contact the office with questions @ 254-865-7113.
An alert text system in now in place for MWSC! Text will be only be sent to the main phone number on file and will offer an option to opt out of receiving texts. MWSC will use this system to alert customers during emergencies, but may not include all water outages during leaks and repairs. Please keep contact information updated by calling the office, 254-865-7113.
Monthly Board Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 8th, 2022 @ 6PM
I. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
II. Visitors-
III. Operator’s Report
- Review of monthly system operations
- Review of pump logs for DCP
IV. Office Manager’s Report
Review of monthly office operations
V. Meter Approvals- Berryhill
VI. Treasurer Report
Review of July 2022 financials
VII. Old Business
Tabor Engineering- Plant project Phase 1&2, Kingston Estates/Pilkey, GIS Mapping, Drought Contingency Plan Revisions, Additional Company Truck
VIII. New Business:
- Emergency Alert Notification System
- Next Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, September 8th, 2022.
Boil Order Rescind 7/28/22
The City of Gatesville has lifted their boil order on 7/28/22. MWS customers will no longer need to boil water before consumption.
Please remember to conserve water!
We are requesting no outside watering at this time and to conserve as much as possible as the City of Gatesville makes repairs and reserves are replenished.
Stage 3 Drought Emergency Is In Effect Immediately- Continue to Conserve Water Tuesday
**As of 9:30AM Tuesday, July 26th, we are approximately 6 hours away from pumping water to the system. Please continue to conserve water as much as possible until we are able to start pumping and our reserves can be replenished.**
Due to a break in a major transmission line at the Gatesville Regional Water Plant, a Stage 3 Drought Emergency is in effect immediately. All customers who receive their water from Gatesville are impacted. Please do your part to conserve water for the next 24 hours.
The City Splash Pad is closed. Outdoor watering and washing of vehicles is strictly prohibited and violators are subject to a fine.
Repair parts are en route from Houston, and we will resolve this as soon as possible.
Boil Water Notice
The City of Gatesville has issued a boil water notice and will include MWSC. Once the city releases the the boil water notice we will update here. If you have any questions please call our office at 254-865-7113.
MWSC has entered into Stage 1 of the Drought Contingency Plan and is requesting all customers to voluntarily reduce water usage. Stage 1 is for mild conditions with a target to achieve a 30% reduction in total water use.
The water allocation measures are summarized below:
- Alternate days for watering.
- The system will reduce flushing operations.
- Reduction of customers’ water use will be encouraged through notices on bills or other method.
MWS will be closed for Independence Day on Monday, July 4th!
Please call 254-223-2318 for water emergencies.
Temporary Free-Chlorine Conversion
The City of Gatesville water department will be conducting a chlorine burn for the month of June. This may affect the taste and smell of the water. We will follow their lead on ending the conversion and will notify our customers on the website once complete. Thanks!